
Welcome to amsc: a million small conversations

The a million small conversations (amsc) website is one of the tools Hilary Burrage is using as she writes her book of the same title. 

The idea behind amsc is that only by consciously looking for ourselves can each of us as individuals begin to perceive the world as others – all of them individuals too – see it; assuming we see the world the same way is rarely the same as actually doing so.  And until, along with our own persepctive, we can look at the world as others see it, there’s little chance that we can really work together to make things better at all levels from personal to global experience.

So a million small conversations invites you in whatever role you choose to read and join in the debates on this website about the world as we know it – our personal world, our professional or work-related world, the world ‘out there’.  Change happens whether we want it or not, so trying to understand and deal with it is a challenge many of us face.

By finding out what we really share in understandings, and perhaps developing these common perceptions a little more, I (Hilary) hope we can all move further towards the sort of positive and progressive change which almost everyone, in their own ways, would like to see.  

Your encouragement and help in this project is much appreciated.

Please note that I will assume I may use any or all of what individuals contribute to this website as I wish, without further attribution.  

If you would like everyone to know who made your contribution to a million small converastions, you are welcome to give your full name and (if you wish) website / blog details, for the record, with your comments and ideas on this website.  As we must necessarily take in good faith that the name and any details you give are yours alone, please be very sure before you post anything, that this is so.

Whilst this cannot be guaranteed, we anticipate that the website will remain live until after the amsc book project has been completed. 

Thank you,
