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Degrowth change starts with a 'nice chat around a good dinner'

case studyToday (Sunday 6 June 2010) thousands of citizens from more than 65 cities in 19 countries participated in the 1st Global PicNic for Degrowth under the slogan: change always starts with a nice chat around a good dinner.

Degrowth in practice includes sharing houses, durable goods and work, while devoting more time to art, music, family, culture and community – hence, presumably, the shared PicNics.

The organisers claim that degrowth is ‘not a far-fetched utopian concept, but something which we can experience daily with simple, communal and convivial action.’

Would you agree that their current way of taking things forward matches their ‘not utopian’ objective?

Is change inevitably a constant?

QuestionsWould you agree that change happens all the time; the only thing which varies is the rate of change?

And if so, why does this rate of change vary?

Does it matter how fast or slowly things change?